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Showing posts from February, 2017
It's amazing how good I feel the past few days. It could be my upcoming trip to Florida, but I think it's a combo of cleaning out the sugar & getting active, as well as the B-12 supplement. Whatever it is, I'll take it.  This week has been crazy busy at work. Real estate is flying in our area. I had an inspection, 2 new listings, multiple offers on one home & wrote two offers, in addition to it being tax season & prepping for my trip. Normally, I'd have been overwhelmed & exhausted. Instead, I actually worked out last night. The hubby & I went to eat and shop, then I came home & worked out at 9:45 p.m. Who am I?!?  I realized I can't do Turbo Fire. My knee just won't allow it. That's OK. I discovered Rockin' Body on my Beachbody On Demand and I love it. It's low impact and simply fun. I look like I'm floundering because I'm not a dancer. My hips were trained to be stationary, due to softball. Even so, I can do this

Is this thing on?

Holy cow, it's been awhile. Nearly 3 years since I've used this blog. In an effort to find harmony in my life, I am resurrecting this as a place to record my workouts and track my progress in all aspects of life. So much has happened in 3 years that I don't even know where to start. Let's just say "Hormones have caused havoc on my body. 3 miscarriages have left me with 50+ pounds to lose." However, I am taking my power back.  Today, I started TurboFire with Chalene Johnson. I always wanted to do it, but convinced myself that I couldn't. Guess what? I fumbled my way through the footwork. I gasped for air, but for 40 minutes, I did high intensity interval training. I plan on rotating this program with other Beachbody programs & my Kelly Coffey Meyer DVDs. It is no longer about a pant size or a weight. Let's be real: both can change daily. It is about me taking my power back and thinking clearly. I want to be able to walk without gasping for