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It's amazing how good I feel the past few days. It could be my upcoming trip to Florida, but I think it's a combo of cleaning out the sugar & getting active, as well as the B-12 supplement. Whatever it is, I'll take it. 

This week has been crazy busy at work. Real estate is flying in our area. I had an inspection, 2 new listings, multiple offers on one home & wrote two offers, in addition to it being tax season & prepping for my trip. Normally, I'd have been overwhelmed & exhausted. Instead, I actually worked out last night. The hubby & I went to eat and shop, then I came home & worked out at 9:45 p.m. Who am I?!? 

I realized I can't do Turbo Fire. My knee just won't allow it. That's OK. I discovered Rockin' Body on my Beachbody On Demand and I love it. It's low impact and simply fun. I look like I'm floundering because I'm not a dancer. My hips were trained to be stationary, due to softball. Even so, I can do this in my home office and no one has to see. Boom! So, last night I did the beginning workout and some yoga to wind down. I got 5 hours of sleep & woke up refreshed.

This morning, I jumped into the Dirty 30 on the 21 Day Fix. The smallest, toughest move for me is the side plank at the end. My hips are so tight from sitting. But, I know each day will get easier. After that, I did the Party Express with Shaun T. I struggle with the hip swing/arm motion. Again, my hips are trained to be rock steady. I am going to have to retrain the muscles, which will take time. But, that's ok!

Mentally, I feel better than I have in months. I plan on keeping the momentum up in Florida with walking. I might even take my ipad & yoga mat to the beach and do some yoga. Don't like it? Don't look, right? I'll never see anyone again. HA!

Have a great weekend!


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