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It's amazing how good I feel the past few days. It could be my upcoming trip to Florida, but I think it's a combo of cleaning out the sugar & getting active, as well as the B-12 supplement. Whatever it is, I'll take it.  This week has been crazy busy at work. Real estate is flying in our area. I had an inspection, 2 new listings, multiple offers on one home & wrote two offers, in addition to it being tax season & prepping for my trip. Normally, I'd have been overwhelmed & exhausted. Instead, I actually worked out last night. The hubby & I went to eat and shop, then I came home & worked out at 9:45 p.m. Who am I?!?  I realized I can't do Turbo Fire. My knee just won't allow it. That's OK. I discovered Rockin' Body on my Beachbody On Demand and I love it. It's low impact and simply fun. I look like I'm floundering because I'm not a dancer. My hips were trained to be stationary, due to softball. Even so, I can do this
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Is this thing on?

Holy cow, it's been awhile. Nearly 3 years since I've used this blog. In an effort to find harmony in my life, I am resurrecting this as a place to record my workouts and track my progress in all aspects of life. So much has happened in 3 years that I don't even know where to start. Let's just say "Hormones have caused havoc on my body. 3 miscarriages have left me with 50+ pounds to lose." However, I am taking my power back.  Today, I started TurboFire with Chalene Johnson. I always wanted to do it, but convinced myself that I couldn't. Guess what? I fumbled my way through the footwork. I gasped for air, but for 40 minutes, I did high intensity interval training. I plan on rotating this program with other Beachbody programs & my Kelly Coffey Meyer DVDs. It is no longer about a pant size or a weight. Let's be real: both can change daily. It is about me taking my power back and thinking clearly. I want to be able to walk without gasping for

66 Days of my "One Thing"

Recently, I read "The One Thing" by Gary Keller. In the book, he states that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. I thought that was interesting because I'd always heard 21 days. Apparently, some of us are slow learners when it comes to certain habits. He says that if you focus on the one thing you can do that will positively impact the rest of your work, life will be more productive. The problem? I have about 574863 "one things". (Have I mentioned that I get bored easily?) So what IS my true ONE thing that I need to focus on currently? Without a doubt, it's EXERCISE. Being a former college athlete, I know I can do it. I just need to find my "athlete" again. I know that she will re-surface over time, but for now I just need to focus on moving. I loathe the gym lately, as I get sick every single time. So, I printed off my 66 day calendar  and busted out some old "Firm" videos to do at home. They are effective and I can do

Some Answers Finally

Well, my blood work came back & I finally have some answers. In fact, it was so clear that I might even skip my treadmill test. My fatigue, inability to lose weight, headaches, palpitations, joint/muscle pain...all of it is because of one vitamin deficiency, B-12. Yep, I'm anemic. I always thought that was the case, but I figured it was iron. While my iron is technically low, it is nothing like my B-12, which is virtually non-existent. I'm also battling an infection somewhere, but we can't figure that one out. My guess is my sinuses, simply due to history and weather. But the B-12 has been such a revelation for me. Now that I have answers, I can make a game plan to respond. With just two mega doses in me, I already feel lke a different person. Scary to think one little thing can create such havoc in our bodies, especially when I take multi-vitamins.  On a non-health related note, I am currently reading this book:  Oh my goodness, talk about life-changing. The author use

Heart Health

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Walk It Out

Today, I banged out a 3.5 mile walk in the cold, brisk wind. My muscles were tight & it was mainly uphill, which slowed my times. But I am ok with it. Why? I got off the couch and moved. I put the past few days behind me and just did it. I woke up, griping that the Y doesn't open til noon on Sundays. (Side note: I'm seriously going to have to look into a new gym as the Y's hours SUCK) Still, I read another chapter in The Shift and realized I didn't necessarily have to have the gym. I had my own two feet and today that was good enough. Mock my times if you want. I truly don't care. I did 3.5 miles in exactly one hour. It was good enough for me and that's ALL that matters. Suck it haters. 

Mental Shift

Watching an interview with Tory Johnson about her book, "The Shift", I realized that I am having a mental shift lately. I am simply fed up with being unhealthy and miserable. Just like any other addiction, we have to be fed up to make a change.  I am no longer focused on the numbers. For instance, I went to the gym this morning. How many calories did I burn? I have no idea. I just moved. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 min and biked for 30 min. I left the heart rate monitor and BodyFit at home. I simply focused on moving. The only number that matters to me right now is 30. My goal is to move 30 min/day every single day. I am throwing the scale away. I am not counting calories. I am not setting up unrealistic goals. I am simply cutting myself some slack and moving.  Next week, I am doing the New Years Day 5k here. My husband agreed to do it with me, which is a good thing. Will I be fast? No. With my shin/achilles pain, I simply want to finish. I don't care wh