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Showing posts from November, 2013

Saturday Strength

Today was a NSV. I have taken the past two days as rest days, due to a medical issue and really, really did not want to workout. In fact, I slept til 10 a.m., which is completely unheard of for me, but I also slept through the entire night for the first time in years. Man, it was great! I had planned on going to the 7:15 Body Pump class, but obviously that did not happen. I was deep in slumber at that time. When I woke up, I felt defeated because I missed the class and was ready to declare today another "rest day." But I knew it wasn't really a rest day...more like a "failure" or "lazy" day.  So, I logged onto Twitter and my friend Toni tweeted about what an awesome workout she just had at the YMCA. I felt like she was speaking directly to me, so I grabbed my phone and headed out. Today, I did 60 min on the elliptical and had planned on going home. Instead, I went over to the weight machines and played with some new ones. I ended up lifting more o

Screw the Scale

I'm so over the scale. In fact, I'm thisclose to tossing it out completely. Why? It's ridiculous. For the past two weeks, I have worked out, eaten with my calorie limit, eliminated diet soda, increased my weight intake and guess what? I "gained" nine pounds on the scale. Now, I know I did NOT eat 31,500 extra calories. It just didn't happen. So why is the scale showing my heaviest weight ever? My guesses are as follows:  Low batteries - I've had it for awhile & even my husband has complained about it, but I just assumed his late-night Oreo addiction was the issue. Defective - To back this up, I placed two 8-lb weights on it. It registered "zero". I also found that by moving it to different parts of my bathroom floor, I can gain/lose 15 lbs in a day. My Endometriosis - This is the most likely cause of the "gain." With three miscarriages in the past 2 years, I am sure my hormones are completely out of whack. Unfortunately, my ne

No Soda November!

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been awhile. How many times do I say that when I post? I need to get more frequent with posts, but life gets in the way.  While the guys have "No Shave November," I am doing my own version: "No Soda November." Corny, yes but it is necessary. I am addicted to diet soda, namely Diet Mountain Dew. While on vacation, I only drank water and didn't have a single headache. (If you know me at all,  you know what a huge achievement this is.) So why did I start drinking them when I returned? Habit, I suppose. Soon after, my headaches returned with a vengeance, as did my muscle pain. Well, last week was the wake-up call I needed. My father-in-law had a massive heart attack and has been in ICU. As part of his heart healthy program, he is required to give up Coke. He assumed it was because of the caffeine, but the cardiologist pointed out to him that it is really because of the sodium in Coke. Intrigued, I asked him about Diet Mountain Dew.