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Showing posts from May, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

A Soulful Breakthrough

Today has been one of those days that we look back on months later and say "That's it. That's the moment my life changed." Kind of ironic considering it started out as a normal Tuesday. I spent most of the morning exhausted from the storms last night and lacking motivation. Sluggishly moving, I decided I would work from home and hide from the world. I still tire pretty quickly from all my health issues and I knew that by noon, I'd snap on someone. Little did I know that by staying home, I was about to meet someone who would change my life. While doing routine paperwork, I decided to turn on my TED Talks app and let it play in the background. I chose a talk about guilt vs. shame by a lady named Brene Brown. Expecting it to be just another cliché motivational speech, I figured I would tune out by the second minute. Holy cow! Talk about surprising me...I couldn't focus on my paperwork because I was glued to her every word. Growing up in an abusive home, guilt has

Goals or Ideas?

"Goals are just ideas until we put them in writing." Granted, I think the original quote said dreams instead of goals, but I took creative license. For me, goals works better in the quote.  I'm a list-maker. At work, I have a daily checklist that I use. I have a notebook where I write all my objectives for the day. I make notes on my phone and use the lists at the store, with clients, at the ballfield...just about everywhere. Reading "Slim for Life" by Jillian Michaels , I had an epiphany. Why don't I put my goals in writing when it comes to fitness and weight loss? Not only does it hold me accountable, but it gives me something to shoot for each week. This week's goals: 1. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. 2. Move for 30 minutes each day. 3. Cook at least 3 meals at home. 4. Track food through 5. Write down at least 3 things for which I'm thankful each day. I am downloading an app that will help m

Sweet Silver Lining

After weeks of being MIA, I'm back and better than ever. Last month, I mentioned some health issues I was having (mainly exhaustion) and thought that sugar could be the culprit. While it did play into my issues, they turned out to be so much more. Turns out, I had another D&C last week. The recovery this time has taken much more out of me than previous times, but I am slowly feeling "normal" again. (Ok, I'll never be normal but you wouldn't want me to be. It's SO overrated.) May is typically a sad month for me, due to my Daddy's passing. This May has been particularly tough, due to my surgery/health issues. Since I was feeling better this weekend, I was able to spend time with friends I'd not seen in awhile. Today consisted of birthday & preschool graduation parties. There is nothing to put life in perspective like seeing the innocence of children's faces. Spending the day with friends and family is exactly what the doctor ordered. M