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Showing posts from September, 2013

Walk this way!

Last night, I had a huge NSV. I was able to walk 3 miles at a decent pace for the first time in nearly a year. Most people would look at my "results" and think, "Big deal." Guess what? It IS a big deal to me and I no longer give a crap what anyone thinks. My achilles/foot issues have been a stumbling block for me, but I think I have finally turned a corner on them. In fact, I was able to log 10,000 steps! Today, I was supposed to meet with my new trainer. I know, I know...I said I wasn't going to do that again. But the people pleaser in me caved and made an appointment. For some reason, I wanted to be one of the "cool, fit kids" and prove my worth. Yet, I woke up this a.m. with some foot pain. My appointment time rolled around and I skipped it. Instead, I popped in a Leslie Sansone DVD and walked 5 miles in my living room, where no one cared how much I sweat or what I looked like.   When I finished, I sent my trainer a message, telling

Random Ramblings

The weekend was a whirlwind for me. Saturday, I went to the Blake Shelton concert in Nashville with a friend. We were on the floor, right by the stage. I knew we were close when my butt was vibrating so badly that I felt like I should be charged $2.99/minute. The highlight for me was when Trace Adkins surprised us! I have always adored him since I interviewed him years ago. He is also an advocate for food allergies, which makes me love him even more. (The pics aren't great, but what can ya expect with an Iphone?) After the show, I caught the red eye to NYC for the Manning Bowl III. I do have some kickass pics of this, but whenever I post them, I get tons of haters so I'm keeping them to myself. I'm tired of having to justify every little thing I do that involves the NFL. After the quick trip, I was exhausted today, so I decided to make it a therapy day. By therapy, I mean cleaning and organizing. My friend Jamie told me over the weekend how much she loved h

Reflections & Realizations

After weeks of not working out and traveling, I stepped on the scale Monday to my highest weight ever. Granted a lot of it is indeed fluid, but still, it was a sign that I needed to get back to focusing on my health. After busting my head wide open and battling the concussion, I was lazy. I was lazy in not just my weight loss battle, but all aspects of my life. The doctor warned me that I might have some slight depression/mind fog from the concussion, but I just shrugged it off. Well, Monday it dawned on me that he was right and it was time to crack down on my mind crack. Yesterday, I was getting ready to head to the gym and sign up with my new trainer. (Yeah I dropped the other one. We just weren't clicking and he was way too focused on the scale. Being a recovered anorexic, I just couldn't deal with that.) I was walking out the door, realizing I had a huge sense of dread and anxiety inside me, just waiting to bust out. In the past, I would have ignored those feelings and

Back to Basics

It's been awhile since I've updated. I've had a whirlwind month or so, which I'll fill everyone in on later. For now, know that I'm gong back to basics, which means no worrying about minutes worked out, calories counted, reps completed, speed walked/jogged....just me and my headset, walking for enjoyment and focusing on what I love.