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Showing posts from July, 2013

Rest days

I'm learning that I can't take "rest days" at this stage. When I do, I let my foot get the best of me and miss workouts. I took one on Sunday and my foot actually hurt worse than it had in months. Between the pain and allowing my husband to sabotage me by staying up too late, I skipped my workout this a.m. I was up sick all night, a side effect of the pain meds for my foot, and basically blew off my workout. While I know rest days are important, at this point I just can't do them. They make my foot hurt and give me excuses. Excuses are what I don't need. I need to move and move often. The more blood my foot gets, the better it feels. Back in the gym tomorrow...period.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Figuratively, not literally of course. While I am facing my fears, let's not get carried away and expect me in water deep enough to row a boat. Silly readers...However, I have found a new love: the rowing machine at Bob's Gym. Eli introduced us on Friday and I realized she offered me exactly what I needed: a workout with no impact. (Before you ask how I know it's a 'she', let me say that no man would ever be that smooth and pain free. HA!) I have seen the machines while I was on the dreadmill or the bike, but never thought about using one. Once Eli broke my fear of looking silly on one, I fell in love. It offered me a full body workout without the pounding of my foot - exactly what my doctor prescribed. After sleeping in some this morning, I went to the gym and hopped on the rowing machine for 2000m. While my time was slower than I wanted, I was more focused on proper form. The last thing I needed was to injure myself again. I did 10 min on the rower, 10

The Eye of the Tiger

Today marks the end of my 1st week with my trainer! ::happy dance:: Today also marks a big moment for me. (Seems as if I am having more of those lately, huh?) After getting a hot stone massage yesterday, I took a looooong nap, which interfered with my nightly sleep routine. The result? I woke up at 4:45 this morning, sore and cranky. I debated texting Eli with the old "my foot hurts" excuse. Granted, my foot/achilles does hurt, but I knew from earlier triumphs that it would feel better after working out. I also reminded myself that backing off now would set the tone for more absences.  When I got to the gym, I told Eli I almost skipped. He asked me why and I was completely honest: I hate cardio. He said, "Even on your bike?" I explained that if I was outside, I was fine but the machines drive me batshit crazy. He said, "I got ya. We'll fix this." We then did 5 min on the bike, the elliptical and the rowing machine. I must say, I felt a bit like a

Day 6: Dedication

Today was tough to get to the gym, but I needed to do it to prove to myself and everyone else that my mind is in a better place. Why else would I get up at 4:45 on the first day of my vacation AND my anniversary to be tortured at the gym?  This morning was a changing point for me, I think. My Achilles kept me up nearly all night with sharp, stabbing pains and cramps. In the past, I'd have used it as my crutch and skipped the gym. Instead, I took some Advil and remembered that I had less pain after my workout on Monday and NO pain yesterday until last night. I decided to give it a shot. I'm so glad I did. We worked total body again today and just like on Monday, Eli had to up my weights on a few machines. In fact, he couldn't find the weights he wanted for my lateral raises and gave me heavier weights. He said, "It's ok if they're too heavy, we'll go lighter somehow." He was stunned (as was I) when they were too light! Woot! Another NSV for me! To rewar

Day 5 - Four Letter Words

Today involved my favorite four letter word. No, not that one...well ok, it was used too, several times I'm sure. BUT the word to which I'm referring here is REST!  My plans were to get up at 5 a.m. like I do on training days and hit the gym or ride my bike outside. I figured it  would help me get in a routine. When I woke up at 5 though, my body said otherwise. I was extremely stiff and just felt exhausted this a.m. so I slept in and decided to make today a rest day. My body is sore from yesterday's workout, so I figured it was in my best interest to not push it too hard. The last thing I need is to get injured again. Tomorrow starts my stay-cation. I'm unplugging from the emails, the cellphones, Twitter and Facebook for 8 days. There will be NO contact with the outside world, unless initiated by me. My mind needs this break. Real estate, while successful, has exhausted me. It's time to renew my spirit. So how do I start it? At the gym with my trainer! Ins

Days 2-4

I survived my first weekend on this new plan. I spent Saturday stocking up on healthy fruits & veggies. I even managed to find some nut free protein bars! Talk about a modern day miracle... Sunday was a crazy busy day, thanks to my open houses and writing an offer afterwards. In the past, I'd have eaten breakfast, grabbed some M&Ms around 4 and then had pizza ordered to pickup on the way home. Now, knowing my trainer Eli can see my food journal on  kept me from spiraling out of control. Instead, I had a protein bar and ended up w/a spinach salad for dinner. #NSV for sure. Today was my first "official" workout with Eli. Neither of us was sure how my achilles would do, so he decided to do more assessing of my strength. We started with squat & press using 10 lb weight. 10 lbs?! What? I only use 5 at home and I'm exhausted. Nope, I did 10 lbs easily. So much so that on my second set, he increased it to 15. I struggled towards the

Day One

Today was day one of getting up at 5 a.m. to meet with my trainer. I was actually up early, fearful I would oversleep. I ended up getting to the gym early & was able to squeeze in some cardio, which was good for my achilles. In the early stages, I am not sure how long it take to warmup, drive there, etc so I figured I'd set the tone right from day one by being early.  After meeting Eli, my trainer, we went over all the standard contract stuff and took some measurements. Talk about a wake-up call. I am not going to post them here 'cause quite frankly, it is no one's business but mine. However, it made me see just how much 3 D&Cs and an achilles injury in the past 18 months has really affected my body. Putting it down on paper made it real and it motivated me to say "Never again." Getting to the gym early was easier than I thought. Yes, it's day one and I'm sure that will change, but I used to do it every single day when I was on the radio. I

Just a thought

I Am Not That Girl

What a difference a month can make in a person. Without realizing it, exactly one month to the day of my last post about giving up, I took positive action. After making it clear to my husband that I am not happy with my weight, he said, "Hire someone. Missy if you can sell $2 million in real estate in 6 months, you can beat this." And you know what? He is exactly right. So, I called someone. Yesterday, I met with Tony Maslan with Custom Fit Evansville . Being the one who always fixes everything for everyone else, it was the toughest thing I have done to simply make that call. But, I knew I needed to do this for myself and for my happiness. Pulling into the parking lot, I almost went home. My anxiety and desire to be "in control" made me think I was weak for asking for help. That's when I heard Jillian Michaels in my head, saying "You showed up. That's what counts." Breathing deep, I walked through the doors, praying I didn't see anyone I