Today, I banged out a 3.5 mile walk in the cold, brisk wind. My muscles were tight & it was mainly uphill, which slowed my times. But I am ok with it. Why? I got off the couch and moved. I put the past few days behind me and just did it. I woke up, griping that the Y doesn't open til noon on Sundays. (Side note: I'm seriously going to have to look into a new gym as the Y's hours SUCK) Still, I read another chapter in The Shift and realized I didn't necessarily have to have the gym. I had my own two feet and today that was good enough. Mock my times if you want. I truly don't care. I did 3.5 miles in exactly one hour. It was good enough for me and that's ALL that matters. Suck it haters.
Finding my way back home...home to myself, my passions and my health.