Today marks Day 3 of trying to cut back on sugar. I was reminded Saturday night, after a day of eating complete crap, just how badly sugar affects me. It makes me a raging bitch if I may put it bluntly. After a nasty fight with my husband and joints so swollen that it hurt to move, I realized (FINALLY) that I didn't just need to cut back, I had to cut back or face an early grave. The chemicals in my brain go haywire when I overload on sugar and seeing my loving husband completely exasperated was exactly what I needed.
Sunday, I went to Louisville for the Justin Timberlake concert with my sister-in-law. I didn't worry about counting calories or getting my 10k steps in - I just focused on having fun and appreciating the moment. We spent the whole day looking at Christmas lights and shopping. It was probably close to 4 p.m. before I realized we hadn't eaten. Typically when I counted calories, I'd have been obsessed with my next meal, worried about my intake. But Sunday, I was too busy "living" to worry about it. We ended up at a local brewery, where I had a burger, salad and a couple of drinks. Was it completely healthy? No and that's ok. In fact, I even passed up the dessert menu. In the past, I'd have caved and sworn that "one bite won't hurt." The problem is that I find it impossible to have just one bite of sugar/sweets. I ended up full, but not miserable.
The past two days, I have focused on adding extra protein and fiber. When I think about grabbing some Oreos or holiday sweets, I remember my husband's face and it stops me. In fact, I don't even enjoy the thought of sweets at this point, which is exactly what I need. Thank you, Lord!
On the exercise front, I planned on going to the gym. However, standing for 4 hours straight really aggravated my plantar fasciitis (BOO!). So, I'm focused on adjusting my diet until this recent bout of foot pain heals.
One thing is certain: I am going to be ok.
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