Today was a NSV. I have taken the past two days as rest days, due to a medical issue and really, really did not want to workout. In fact, I slept til 10 a.m., which is completely unheard of for me, but I also slept through the entire night for the first time in years. Man, it was great! I had planned on going to the 7:15 Body Pump class, but obviously that did not happen. I was deep in slumber at that time. When I woke up, I felt defeated because I missed the class and was ready to declare today another "rest day." But I knew it wasn't really a rest day...more like a "failure" or "lazy" day. So, I logged onto Twitter and my friend Toni tweeted about what an awesome workout she just had at the YMCA. I felt like she was speaking directly to me, so I grabbed my phone and headed out.
Today, I did 60 min on the elliptical and had planned on going home. Instead, I went over to the weight machines and played with some new ones. I ended up lifting more on the chest press than I ever had.
Guess what scale? You're not the only one who can "gain". Today, I proved to myself that I am gaining strength and you don't matter to me if I am gaining muscle. Victory!
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